What would you do if you had one month to live?
Death is the greatest teacher we have
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I used to be so afraid of death. As a kid, I was doing nightmares nights after nights on the thought of the potential infinite darkness after death. I was thinking we are passing by this short journey on earth to then nothing being stuck in the unknown for billions of years. As my ego grew as a young entrepreneur I then started visualizing myself accumulating so many resources that I could access the upcoming technologies to gain a few years till we find the way of immortality. Those thoughts were highly based on this famous french TedTalk on how a few of our generations will live 1000 years.
Death is a taboo subject we all feel uncomfortable to talk about. In our modern world, we lost our connection with death from all being so afraid of the unknown. But lately, I came to realize that death is our strongest friend. Without death, life wouldn’t be so precious. Life would be stagnant. We wouldn’t rush to accomplish anything. We should celebrate death. Ounce one dies we shouldn’t cry but be blissful for is passing to the next stage. The best example of this is the funeral ceremony of Israel ‘IZ’ Kamakawiwo’ol themselves without fear of the unknown because they knew about their next life. Like the ancient civilization used to be so connected with death that they would sacrifice the Mayan Sinkholes sacrifices ceremonies or the Samurai ritual suicide, the Seppuku Ceremony.
Slowly through my self-development growth and entrepreneur journey of heavy bumpy rides I started my spiritual journey (the golden chain) after total exhaustion of chasing the so-called “Success” of the west, (the silver chain). I’ve discovered Buddhism, Plant Medicine, Ayurveda, Meditation, Vipassana and all kinds of ceremonies or soul experiences (link another article). Like I did on the professional path, I’ve pushed it to the extreme to then realize that enlightenment is in the Middle Way. Which I'm now working on.
This spiritual journey led me to many immersive experiences that made me meet god. From an old Atheist that always been irritated by anything coming out of religions or the word god. I'm now an active believer of the Buddhism path. God is not the illusion of someone that will realize your prayers. God is the light inside all living things. God is the consciousness knots that you originate from the collective consciousness. When you start feeling that light inside with deep meditation, which for some of us need to feel at a glimpse during a DMT experience, you realize that there’s no death. That consciousness light is everything. As we move toward our next phase in our evolution, hundreds of millions of humans started to tap into their sixth sense and become multi-sensory beings.
Tapping on that sense with open up your last and seventh chakra. The crown chakra, purple, white and glowing, the gate to the universe. Over time you’ll receive information from the universe with synchronicity and in your dreams. Information on what road to take fill your destiny to impact your neighbors. Information on what decision needs to be taken to heal yourself and free yourself from the hamster wheel running mind. Answer like what should you do to be at peace with death.
Back in Thailand a few years ago I decided to make a statement, set myself a life mantra. Based on the conclusion of the underrated Canadian travel movie “One Week”, I tattoo myself near the heart this quote below.
“What would you do if you had one day or one week or one month to live? What person would you praise? What secret would you tell? What person would you declare your life to? What community would you create? What exotic locale would you fly to? What show would you see? What wish would you fulfill? What book would you write?”
Being at peace with yourself is to be ready to die at any moment. Meaning you did and said whatever you wished. This is the moment you are happy to quit your body. Why don’t you start writing your testament right away no matter your age with a nice letter to your loved one and the world? It will bring you one step closer to inner peace. Then I advise listing all the things you wish to do and says before dying and tackle them one by one. Be humble and give back.
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