The Life Hack to Read 100+ Books a Year

The best mentorship you’ll ever receive

‘The person you’ll be in the next five years is based on the five people you spend most of your time with and the books you read right now’

We can find all the knowledge in the world in books. Your mentor and role models, all wrote down some key information, techniques, and insights in their best books selling books. We all have those long lists of books we wish we could read but as it happens to all of us, we start reading, and it ends up on our bedside table longer than we wished.

At the end of the year, we end up reading only 5–6 books at best when there are 200+ books we have lined up.

But who said that it’s about reading books? It is about taking action over the concepts in the books. Nowadays, it is easier than ever to find all the key concepts and core information from best-selling books.

Here is my trick to assimilate any self-development or business book bestseller in less than one hour to then TAKE ACTION on your golden nuggets.

Step 1 — Listen to 1 to 2 descriptive animated YouTube video (10 minutes)

Write the book title and “animated summary” in the YouTube search bar. It should be at least 7–10 minutes long. From here, you get core concepts visually explained and sometimes with personal storytelling. Take notes. One of the most popular channels I know are One Percent Better, Fight Mediocrity and Productivity Game.

Step 2 — Listen while reading 10 to 20 blinks (15–20 minutes)

Use the Blinkist mobile app that costs $90 a year. Blinkist has a library of 2000 best-selling self-development books. They develop 15 to 20 blinks per book. Blink is a description of a core concept in the book. The app reads you each blink with a nice narrative voice while you follow reading it on your phone on the go. Another great alternative is MentorBox. For only 7$/month it gives you access to a wealth of library of the bestselling books summary with cheatsheet and interviews of the authors. Sometimes I also like to listen to the whole audiobook at 2x speed if I can find it on Youtube or Castbox, on those channels: Success Audio books or Audiobooks.

Step 3 — Read 1–2 articles reviewing the core lessons (10–15 minutes)

Look for great article analyzers. Just google the title of your book with “core concepts” or “learn from” or “advice.” Most of the time those resources will bring up Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc Magazine, Business Insider, Medium, Quora, fourminutesbook.. Read through one or two good articles, take notes and save them for future review.

Step 4 — Go back over the man quotes of the book (5 minutes)

Goodreads is the biggest online community of book readers of all kinds. Search for their quotes section on the book you are trying to master. The best quotes are even moved up from the community ratings. You could also quickly check Google image quotes of the book.

Step 5 — Write down your memory cheat sheet (15 minutes)

Write out some clear notes of your core concept which you need to remember. Writing on paper will enhance your memories. Dedicate a notebook or a section of your daily journal to it so that you can come back to them months after. From all those notes and learning you then need to decide what is the one “golden nugget” you want to work on. Create a statement of a step by step action plan you’ll take action on.

Bonus — Join a Book Club to brainstorm the concepts

A book club is the best place to share what you’ve learned and talking about it will reinforce your memory. This weekly meeting could even become a beautiful small community of like-minded persons supporting each other with other life dimensions.

However, here is my best advice for the next generation, go and build your community on a topic you bound with other people. Create a free Facebook event or a monthly Meetup and don’t give up. In the beginning, one or two people will show up. Slowly you’ll learn how to improve it, and you’ll learn about your communities’ needs on top of building many skills. And who knows maybe one day it can become a nonprofit or a business or just a place where you feel deeply at home meeting your best friends, your second family.

Building your community is the best way to satisfy all your life dimensions while constantly growing to the next best version of yourself. But stop searching in the outside world to satisfy your cravings. Start the journey of exploration within eliminating all cravings and aversions toward total peace. Fixing the spiritual dimension will greatly improve all the others. You are the master of your life.



Jf Brou — BecomeYourBestVersion
Jf Brou — BecomeYourBestVersion

Written by Jf Brou — BecomeYourBestVersion


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