Jump on a 3–6 months life experience to fully live your life
13 community lifestyle ideas pushing your boundaries.
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Ever since I did my first students exchange 5 months experience in Milan almost 9 years ago, I’ve realized the ultimate to live deeply and fulfill all your life cycle dimensions is to jump on a midterm experience with a strong community, a beginning, and an end. An in-depth story you could write a book about and then when it’s all done you start another book.
First, here’s all the common things that make those experiences part of the list:
- Part of a community of 50+ person all there for the same reason
- Gathering people from around the world
- There are a welcome gathering and a goodbye party
- You can get scholarships or some kind of financing for it
- All require a big financial commitment
- Most people of the community live in the same building or area
Here’s my list of top midterm experience I keep my eye on:
- A university semester abroad also called an Erasmus exchange.
Watch this video of if Erasmus had a trailer:
2. A summer volunteering program in a third world country.
Watch this video gathering the top 10 life-changing volunteers abroad experience:
3. Working remotely while traveling the world for 4 or 12 months with a tour operator
Watch this video trailer of Remote Year:
4. A deep spiritual commitment journey living with the monks for 6 months.
Watch this video trailer of the Isha center that can satisfy all your spiritual needs:
5. Learn a new language intensive culture immersion in a new country.
Watch this video trailer of Education First worldwide language program:
6. Being accepted into a startup accelerator in another country
Watch this video:
7. Do a master degree thesis abroad & Write a memoir
People write memoirs because they want a second chance to create another version of their lives. When you write a memoir, you are writing your version of what you think happened from your own perspective
Watch this video to learn the art of memoir writing:
Watch this video about the myth of doing a master degree abroad:
8. Martial Art fighter boot camp
The possibilities are endless. From Muay Thai in Chiang Mai Thailand to Samurai in Kyoto Japan to MMA in the United States.
Watch this video:
9. Volunteering on a farm getting your hands dirty and connecting with nature
With Woofing or Workaway you can do a 1–2 volunteering work on an organic farm or vineyard. Most of the time you’ll be with 4–5 other volunteers with your accommodations and food cover.
Watch this video trailer of Workaway:
10. Doing a pelerinage of 1–2 months with a tour operator
Yes doing a pelerinage is all about finding your inner peace but doing it in a group with a tour operator can really be a life-changing experience with lifetime friends
Watch this movie trailer of The Way:
11. Living in a coliving
Coliving is particularly popular in cities and urban spaces where housing is costly and limited, providing a more affordable and amenity-based alternative to individual apartments
Watch this video to know more about coliving:
12. Join a long trip with a tour operator
Meet a great range of like-minded people on a 2–3 weeks tour for 18–35 years old
Watch this video and see how joyful a trip is with a tour operator:
13 — Join long term retreats
At certain times of our life, it can be a good idea to take a break, withdraw from the world.
Watch this and learn what happens on a wellness retreat
Experience is the teacher of all things — Julius Caesar
Would you like to BECOME YOUR BEST VERSION? ❤️💸🚀
Do this FREE workbook filled with the most effective tools that I spent thousands of dollars to get and years learning from the best in the business.
➡️➡️ http://bit.ly/Workbook-Become-Your-Best-Version