Create this Pocket Dream Book to Become Your Best Version
See it, Believe it, Act on it
Would you like to BECOME YOUR BEST VERSION? ❤️💸🚀
Do this FREE workbook filled with the most effective tools that I spent thousands of dollars to get and years learning from the best in the business.
I have always been a big fan of visualization since I first saw the famous documentary, “The Secret.” I know is a very controversial documentary but I do not think you should take it vigorously. The main idea of the documentary the Law of Attraction. Make some web research about it and you’ll realize that all successful people use it. But yes it’s not as easy as expose in “The Secret”. The key of the studies is to show how to accomplish anything in life. Five years ago, I started trying to put up a board in my room and photos of my dreams. Over the years, it wasn’t enough for me to accomplish 100% of my goals. So 2 years ago, I decided to create this visualization board into a pocket dream book wherein I could carry this every day. It took me 2 months of work for different sections which exerted immense love into it so that at the end of the day, it will make me think, dream and expect a brighter future.
Step 1 — Buy the nicest pocketbook
To create this Dream Book, you need to buy a nice one that can fit your pockets at any school craft store or dollar store. Try to buy something that is going to last over the years. It would be best if it has a hardcover and looks dainty as well. Don’t be shy to spend $10–20$ for it.
Step 2 — Think, Plan, and Structure
Structure your Dream Book into different sections. You need to create sections that link to your interests. For myself I went for:
- Inspirations — Putting travel quotes, entrepreneur quotes, ambition quotes, dream quotes or any quote that you find meaningful. It can be from famous entrepreneurs, travelers or famous socially advocate people.
- Entrepreneur — A section wherein goals for each project are indicated. This is more of personal branding.
- Network — Possible people who I will meet this year. It can be anyone famous from the industry, advisers or mentors.
- Traveling — Places to visit for the year
- Photography — Any photography I have done which I plan to publish in an online magazine.
- Long-term dreams — One goal of what I want to be or where I would like to be
- Well-being/Happiness — Anything about exercising, eating and learning.
- Books — Passing 2 more books per week this year.
Step 3 — Stick the best images
Search photos online. You can visit websites that have photos with high-resolution photos on Google. Cut them then stick at the respective goal page. List down the main goal in your Dream Book as the title with due dates. Put a reasonable due date with small goals. It’s the key to keep yourself focused on the goal.
Step 4 — Decorate, Draw, Make it beautiful
Be creative with your Dream Book. Decorate the whole thing. Leave some blank pages in each section to write future ideas. I suggest watching this TEDxTalk below about drawing your vision that will help you achieve your future goals. And here’s another video about Jim Carrey on how he visualized becoming the man he is today. Here’s Oprah talking about “The Secret”. It is a good summary of the concept. But yes you need to put some hard work into it and takes time. See it, Believe it, Act on it. Visualization helps you being focus on who you want to be.
Would you like to BECOME YOUR BEST VERSION? ❤️💸🚀
Do this FREE workbook filled with the most effective tools that I spent thousands of dollars to get and years learning from the best in the business.